Farragut Forward, our first installment in the Movie Era style, began filming in October 2022. The final filming took place in March 2024.
Farragut Forward is scheduled to be released in July 2024.
Join us on a behind-the-scenes journey of our progress. Link to the video updates by clicking on the image or URL.
March 2024 Update:
The final on location filming takes place in Hopewell, VA.
FARRAGUT FORWARD Update (March 2024) | Star Trek Fan Film BTS - YouTube
July 2023 Update:
The movie-era Farragut bridge is finally revealed! The final studio shoot takes place.
FARRAGUT FORWARD Production Update (July 2023) | Star Trek Fan Film BTS (youtube.com)
Spring 2023 Update:
A look at the Klingon sets, including a full 360 degree Bird of Prey bridge.
KLINGON SETS - Making Farragut Forward | Star Trek Fan Film BTS (youtube.com)
Spring 2023:
Behind-the-scenes of the initial film shoot in the new Frederick, MD studio. Unveiling of the movie-era Corridor, Sick Bay, Turbolift and auxiliary Engineering.
MOVING FORWARD: The Making of Farragut Forward | Star Trek Fan Film BTS (youtube.com)
Summer 2022:
A look at the classic "monster maroons" and their role in Farragut Forward.
COSTUMES - Making Farragut Forward | Star Trek Fan Film BTS - YouTube
Spring 2022:
Following the release of the prologue, the Production team shares the vision for the future and the start of the Farragut Forward journey.
FARRAGUT FORWARD: A Behind The Scenes Look! | Star Trek Fan Film BTS - YouTube
Spring 2022:
Farragut Forward Prologue
Kicking off the Farragut movie-era!
FARRAGUT FORWARD (prologue): A Star Trek Fan Production (youtube.com)